How to prevent H1N1 Flu?

First at all, pay attention to personal hygiene and health care, washing hands frequently, and implement good hygiene practices.

Second, pay attention on respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette:
1, Any cough or other respiratory symptoms should wear a mask, mask shall be replace frequently espeically after the mask touch your mouth and nose secretions. It should be immediately replaced and thrown into the trash.
2, When sneezing, must use tissue paper or handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose. In the absence of tissue or handkerchief, the sleeve can be used in place of but this is not suggested. Always remember to bring either tissue paper or handkerchief.
3, if respiratory symptoms appear, keep a distance when talk to others, 2 meters or more is suggested.
4, Hand must be immediately clear properly after contact with respiratory secretions.
5, Do not go out if you are sick. Better stay at home and take a rest.

Finally, stay away from sources of infection, must avoid going to region that found any new type of influenza H1N1 case happen.

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